Spring is a time of colour, beauty, the promise of more, and the hope for brighter things. Enjoy this collection that brings nature indoors.
These watercolours on paper are some of my favourites.
If you like these, check out the page for the new Ocean Vibes series - more waves and underwater feels on canvas!
Life can be hard. Some days are dark, and some dark days lead to weeks and months and more. When you are wondering which way is up and if there is any way out, know that there is hope, there is light at the end of the tunnel even if you can't see it. Practice gratitude, cry, reach out for help. Look back and find the treasure that was buried beneath the darkness. Look again, find the hope, find the light, find the way out - there is one.
A series of abstract acrylics on canvas; a message that there is hope and a way out when life seems chaotic and out of control